The Grammy Family, episode 47 of Lasers on the Ride, kicks off with talk of the recent face punching spree sweeping St Henri and the Lasers receiving real Grammy noms for imaginary work. The conversation turns quickly to masturbation before they discuss Kanye West’s emotional state and how to process one’s feelings for one’s idols. Jay gives a bad rendition of a proposal he witnessed and they discuss fighting kangaroos, some buff and some less buff. Mike shares a motivational tool his past self used to keep his present self accountable and the Lasers discuss certain changes they might have wanted to have instituted in 2016.  KC closes the stuff out with a freestyle, you’re welcome and merry christmas.


In s01e44 the Lasers welcome Karma Atchykah, rapper/music businessman from Montreal and representative for Fool’s Gold member Shash’U. He breaks down his current situation and what he’s got going on before the Lasers get into christmas mode and plan a secret santa. Jay hands out a few television treatments for Karma to flex upon and the crew talks buff kangaroos pre-viral-kangaroo-video.  Karma speaks on a few of his current projects and gives boss advice (quantity over quality my dude he says) and recalls some lame jobs. He speaks on his Haitian background and the group discusses the cultural usefulness of certain movies and themes. Akil wishes it were ‘92 while Karma shares his modern take on learning and the group discusses the dos, donts and beauty of shrooms consumption while Mike loves LSD. Jay gets too deep about the meaning of the podcast and Karma explains the origins of his name and his thoughts on karma as concept. Jay brainstorms an eggnog business, Akil can’t change won’t change, and Jay cheats on his ol’ mistress nostalgia.