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In episode 4 the Lasers enter the Danger Dome if danger was answering timed questions and the dome was a podcast. We find out each Laser’s take on important questions such as white people with dreadlocks, penis colour in porn, saucy vs dry-rub, dinner party etiquette, whether pumpkin pie is for old people, which colour wine is best, whether it’s ok that some rappers wear fake jewelry, sharing your bed with dogs and such and the relevance of the Junos. In and around the game, discussion proceeds at a normal, sometimes feverish, rarely sluggish pace. Jay recalls an awkward encounter between his arms and an older woman before the Lasers discuss comedians of yore-ish and dope film directors. Jay concludes that the History Channel targets racists and the Lasers discuss herstory and how much good stuff the world has missed out on due to misogyny (thanks for nothing misogyny!). Mike shares 70 through 61 on his best rappers of all time list and they examine why Canada is so good at indie rock and syphilis in the prairies.

bbymutha - BBC
Noel Pointer - Night Song



In Episode 43 of Lasers on the Ride the Lasers discuss Slam Poetry and then the only thing worse, cottaging with couples. They move on to the thought process behind dreads and who had the best caesar (Nas maybe) and then talk simulated sex, where Akil shares some problematic acting instincts. Conversation shifts to a rather in-depth discussion on self-reflection and self-love before Akil makes strong claims about taking Just Blaze in a beat battle if given the chance and Mike thinks that’s crazy. They close out with deliberations on human resources departments and then cave and join the huge podcast trend of serial killer talk.